I started writing online in 2000

Wittering on about my day has led to meeting fab people all over the world, a pair of published books, and a writing business that I love.

I love telling stories about life and helping my clients to tell theirs.

At the dawn of the new millennium, I was a restless, cubicle-dwelling twenty-something.

While furtively browsing the internet, I stumbled across a weird new word: blog.

I signed up for an account and started writing stories about my everyday shenanigans. All that typing made me sound like a very industrious worker!

Six months later, I started Dietgirl, an early specimen of the minor phenomenon known as the diet blog. With my immersion in diet culture at its peak, I poured my heart into the ether.

At first, it was my delicious, dorky secret.

No one was reading. But over the next half-decade, the blogs grew from awkward silence to thousands of daily readers and a proper published book! I also found the true joy and relief of connecting with like-minded folks around the world.

Since then me and my writing have been featured in places like ELLE, O The Oprah Magazine, The Washington Post, CBS The Early Show, Cosmopolitan, and The Sydney Morning Herald.

23 years on, my blog is still my favourite place to tell stories. And through my writing business, I get to help my clients tell theirs.

I believe that when you have something to share — whether it’s an idea, a service, a product, or your wildest thoughts — stories are the best way to communicate it.

We’ve all got them inside of us; they’re woven into our DNA. It’s how we connect and make sense of the world.

If you want to share your life or work, I can help you spread the word. Here’s how we can work together.

Or, if you’re partial to some old-school personal writing, have a nosy at the blog or hop on my newsletter list for the latest jolly adventures of this Aussie in Scotland.

Who’s that lady?

Shauna Reid

Location: Bonny Scotland since 2003, with half my heart and all my accent still back in Australia.

Sidekicks: Husband Gareth (a whisky distiller) and cat Ziggy (surly but sweet tabby).

Secret Weapons: Flat whites. Japanese stationery. Colour-coded to-do lists.

Temperament: Detail-oriented and deeply enthusiastic. Swift to find the funny side.

Happy Places: Foreign supermarkets. Gloomy Scottish beaches (UV rays are overrated).

When not writing: 
Exploring Scotland. Skulking in stationery shops. Watching romantic comedies (favourite: Roman Holiday), the Tour de France or Scandinavian crime dramas.

Fun Facts: I eloped in Las Vegas – twice in one day!

Current Obsession: Dipping in the cold North Sea. It’s the most healing, bloody exhilarating thing ever. If you see me on the street I’ll probably start yammering on about it, just be warned.

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