2007 in Review


Rush in Glasgow. I reluctantly tagged along with the prog-loving Doctor G and ended up a convert. Almost. I'd never seen so many mullets assembled under one roof: bleached mullets, permed mullets, bald mullets, lady mullets. It was my first ever gig that included lasers, flames and fifteen minute drum solos.

It was bloody fantastic, especially YYZ, aka The Theme from Guitar Hero II. My favourite moment was seeing Gareth gazing up at the stage with a dopey smile, bathed in the green laser light - clearly he'd been transported back to his bedroom, aged 15 with the headphones on. I've never seen him look so happy!


White Chalk, PJ Harvey and In Rainbows, Radiohead. Predictable, I know!


I didn't see much at the cinema but 2007 was the Year of the Clint. Gareth was horrified that I'd never seen any Clint Eastwood westerns so set out to give me an education. We started with A Fistful of Dollars then moved through classics like Pale Rider, Two Mules For Sister Sarah, Unforgiven and The Good The Bad and the Ugly. I had assumed it would be boring shoot-em-up stuff but they were witty, subtle and stylish. And Clint Eastwood in his prime? SEXAY!

My favourite was The Outlaw Josey Wales because it's basically Clint Spits On Many Things - he gobs tobacco on dead folk, a dog, a beetle, a scorpion - cinematic gold!


Bruce Parry of Tribe. I'm a sucker for any thoughtful, articulate bloke with a mellow voice and a wild passion for their chosen subject. Kevin McCloud of Grand Designs is the runner-up, but Bruce gets bonus points for all that shirtless running-around-in-jungles.


By a mile... KIWI! I'd never pondered its devastating hotness until I became addicted to the Flight of the Conchords HBO series. Their songs were great as always, but I doubt the non-song bits would have been half as funny if not for those accents (and Murray, of course). The dialogue seemed crafted purely to showcase the words that sound the most hilarious in Kiwi.

The scene below from the Racism episode was my favourite, for the brilliant pisstaking of Australians and the way Jemaine says "person".


My Day In Elle


Brown Betty