No English

We arrived at Frankfurt at 6AM, 30 hours since we left Canberra. Have been wandering round until we can check into Mr. Hotel.

We´re slightlz tired and loopy! Singapore to Frankfurt flight went on for so bloooody long. “The Banger Sisters” is the worst movie ever.

But was nice to have a window seat and the sun rose just as the captain said we were flzing over Warsaw.

So I screwed up trying to get into the toilets at the train station, tis 60 euro cents to get in yuoi see. so i put the money in and it wouldnt let me through! I think mazbe i mistook aussie 2 buck cpin for 10c euro.

I go ferreting for more euros but confusion reigns as there is four different currencies in my wallet right now. and a large queue of impatient geerman ladies crossing their legs.

finally a kind lady strolls up and shoves more omoney in the machine.

i smile and say thanks in german (innacurrately no doubt) and then the fucking gate won!t open. arrgh.

sfinaly i get through and take my bursting bladder to do its thing. then find the kindlady and trY to explain my confusion with all these multinational coins, and she smiles fires something off in rapid german and i try to say that i don`t speak geerman but instead what i end up saying is, “No English! No English”.

At which point my sister is in hysterics.

hehe. i am such a bimbling idiot.

i donät have time to tell zou all the sillz shit i`ve done, nor can i find the correct keys. but wanted to say hello before i fell asleep!


Snore watch


Ticket to Ride