We Have The Technology

Be sure to tune in this Thursday 3rd March because I will attempt to post a few pictures LIVE from our nuptials. They will be of the shoddiest, low-resolution cameraphone kind. My grasp of mobile technology can be described as “shithouse” at best, so if it doesn’t work please don’t come after me with sharp knives. I tried to send a test pic to this blog via Flickr but it just won’t bloody work, so just check my Flickr page every now and then coz that is where the grainy delights will be. Hopefully.

At a very rough guess you may see a trickle of images around 7PM Edinburgh time (GMT), which translates as: 11AM San Francisco 1PM Guatemala 2PM New York 4AM Tokyo (Friday) 6AM Sydney (Friday)

So Mothership, set your alarm!

Update: Wedding pics have now been archived. Thanks for all your good wishes!


Viva Las Vegas!


Very Realistic Mannequin